Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry

Mission Statement

The mission of the Youth Ministry of Holy Spirit Movement Ministry Worldwide Church is to establish a foundation for building Christian character, morals, values and behaviors in young people ages 12 to 18; by using creative and innovative methods to excite, inspire, capture and ignite young people for Jesus. Our goal is to enable young people to understand and recognize who Jesus is and what it is to live for Him only.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to respond to the social and spiritual needs of the youth within our church and community by providing relative programs, activities, and events that will allow them to build a strong foundation of faith that will enable them to express and share their faith through their own words, actions and deeds; to encourage them to use their individual talents in programs and ministries that interest them in order to nurture their growth as people of faith while providing volunteer services to the community.

Notice that our vision focuses on the local church.  We are simply leveraging what we know about ministry, empowering you to become a highly skilled and effective leader (our mission), to help the local church become more dynamic.  Today’s church needs to continue to engage young people in the formation of their faith so they may use their lifetime to bring heaven on earth as Jesus instructed.

n addition, we measure the development of youth ministers in three areas through our core competencies assessment.  Our curriculum and coaching all support each of these areas.


It is important for youth ministers to define their call to youth ministry.  Some may have a sense God is calling them for the long haul while some may discern that God is calling them to a stage in life.  And still others may be exploring.  Defining this becomes important as intensity and commitment follow a sense of purpose.

By the same token, everything we do in the Youth Ministry has purpose.  The program is very integrated.  Nothing stands by itself.  The instruction is supported by the multi-directional coaching.  The consulting reinforces the coaching.  The books we read are excellent – not mere busy work to prove rigor.  The work youth ministers do in YM is immediately applicable to their ministry.  And, they are expected to make direct application – on purpose.  In YM Purpose is measured specifically through Positivity, Spirituality, Integrity and Self-Responsibility.


There are obvious relationships in youth ministry – with youth, with parents, with other adults involved in the ministry.  All are important in developing effective youth ministries.  Relationships are also complicated.  They require the mastery of particular skills to maintain and enhance relationships.  The Youth Ministry  focuses on all aspects of relationship building including a youth minister’s relationship with God, arguably the most important relationship of all.

At a business level, the HSMMWWC Youth Ministry  values relationships with other like-minded partners.  Youth Ministry doesn’t claim to know everything.  We do claim to partner with other organizations that provide a high level of expertise in particular areas.  This makes us unique.  It is exciting to bring multiple organizations with similar agendas to the table to develop strategies, events, and/or tools that become more effective than any one partner might develop. Relationships are measured in Youth Ministry through Trust, Being Personable, Communication and Empathy.


The HSMMWWC Youth Ministry has a big vision.  We are investing our resources into one church at a time.  We celebrate each church’s unique accomplishment in youth ministry.  There are success stories to be told in each community of believers.  With God’s favor, we will continue to participate in what we believe to be God’s vision for the world.

Our Statement of Faith

The HSMMWWC Youth Ministry embodies an orthodox faith characterized by the traditional creeds of the church.  To be clear, our goal is not to indoctrinate youth ministers into a particular sect of Christian belief.  But, rather we encourage the exploration and appreciation of the spectrum of belief within orthodox Christianity.

1. We believe in one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

2. We believe in Jesus Christ, God incarnate, whose death and resurrection make possible the reconciliation of God and humanity.

3. We believe in the Holy Spirit, God dwelling in every believer and in the church.

4. We believe the Bible to be the inspired, authoritative Word of God.

5. We affirm the church is the most faithful expression of the body of Christ on earth and unity of all believers in Christ.

6. We believe in the priesthood of believers, that all disciples of Jesus Christ are called to share in his ministry here on earth.

7. We believe in ministry for and with children, youth, the church of today and tomorrow.